Peridot launches “Pause with Peridot”, a new web-based experience for World Mental Health Day

Hello hello hello,

I’m Ashley, the Lead Animator for Peridot, and I’ve been working on the Peridot franchise since the early days of the soft launch for our mobile game. It’s been an incredible experience bringing to life our magical Dots and making them feel ever present in our beautiful world. My hope? To spark bits of joy, laughter, and moments of delight to each of you throughout your busy days. 

Ever since we released Peridot to the world, we’ve received so many lovely comments and messages about the positive impact this franchise has played in people’s lives, and especially for their mental wellbeing. It has absolutely filled our team’s hearts with joy to hear these stories and see the comfort and connection these little companions have brought to you.

At Niantic, we care deeply about how we can leverage our games, through movement, exercise, and social connection to bring positive impact into the world. Mental wellbeing is similarly something we think deeply about – and why we’re excited to launch a new extension of the franchise in support of World Mental Health DayPause with Peridot. We’ve collaborated with our teammates working on Niantic Studio to develop this experience centered around breathing exercises. While simple and small in scope to start, this is something we hope to expand over time – perhaps it can end up becoming a wellness lifelog of sorts.

I’m excited about the potential that this can continue to become and hope it’s something that can accompany you throughout your day and bring moments of pause amidst the chaos of life. 

– Ashley Rosenbaum (Lead Animator) & the Peridot team