












#1: If humans need to explore surrounding lands without their Peridots, at least half of them must stay behind to assure the safety and comfort of their magical friends.

#2: No human can be gone from their Peridot for more than one day.

#3: Humans must always show their Peridots love and kindness and help them prosper as a species.

Thereafter, the humans called themselves Keepers of Peridots. This designation – similar to “parent” or “best friend” – was not just a title but also a promise, and it endured without dispute or uncertainty.

Every Peridot was protected.

And cared for.

And loved.


Dear Reader,

PKS here. We just wanted to pop in and update you on this newly restored chapter of the Peridoctus.

We believe that the Peridot species, when left unattended by every keeper within the same time frame, will fall into a mass hibernation. In fact, Fasciana’s pages (which we’ll reveal over time) indicate that Peridots, in various stages of human history, have gone through mass hibernation.

We should also note that the Peridot Keeper Society is somewhat a successor of the “Keepers of Peridots,” but this is coincidental.

十幾年前,學者在茅利塔尼亞的考古挖掘過程中,發現一本名為「Peridoctus」的破舊古籍。學者對於這個嶄新的收穫嘖嘖稱奇,但原先的驚奇卻逐漸轉為質疑,因為他們不相信這本圖鑑能夠用於解讀人類歷史。人們認為該書所記載的、對於稀世珍獸的描述純屬無稽之談,研究者於是將其賣給鄰近的古籍收藏商。整整十年期間,這本書都被塵封在「怪誕奇聞」的書堆中……直至十年後,紐澤西的業餘神秘動物學家Dabnis Pryor才在度假時意外發現它。

書中的篇章令他深深著迷,他也相信花寶的存在絕非杜撰,而是真實存在的生物!於是Pryor先生決定將此作為畢生志業,窮盡心力地向世人昭示Peridoctus記載的生物確實存在,同時也致力於揭開該書作者Fasciana de Saggia(後世稱之為賢者Fasciana)的神秘面紗。

Upon his return to the U.S., Mr. Pryor posted self-made illustrations of the species in online forums. These devotees, though small in number, informally called themselves the Peridot Appreciation Society. Passionate as they were, these members tirelessly scoured the internet for any evidence of Peridot existence … but to no avail.

Then one day in 2022, there was a sighting of a Peridot in Malaysia. And then in Singapore. Soon thereafter, countless people spotted Peridots in cities and towns across Norway, Denmark, and Australia. Soon, snapshots of colorful Peridots flooded the online forum. This, the watershed moment the Society was waiting for.

Now people all across the world needed guidance to care for their new friends, so they turned to the Peridot Appreciation Society. Its members possessed instant access to the Peridoctus and, with it, a unique look into the history and behaviors of the species. Steadily, the members spouted off advice and best practices to all those taking care of Peridots.

Everyone in the Society quickly felt a growing need to define their role. “What do we call ourselves?” they asked online. “Owners?” Nah – too one-sided. “Parents?” Well, humans didn’t give birth to the Peridots, so …

On the forums, people often used the word “keep” to express their daily tending to their Peridots. To keep Peridots safe and secure. To keep an eye out. To keep Peridots developing the way that they should be. The role was now clear: Keeper.

And so, the Peridot Keeper Society (“PKS”) was born.

The Keepers of Peridots remain an inspiration to us, particularly with their three vows. We took them a step further to define the roles of the PKS as follows: to educate people on how to care for Peridots; to plan and promote events and activities for humans and Peridots to participate in together; and to preserve Peridot history through the restoration and interpretation of the Peridoctus.

So that’s our story! Thank you for your continued support of Peridots, and stay tuned for more updates on the Peridoctus.

Yours Truly,

